I have been a bit neglectful of my phlog recently, so it's time for a bit of a catch-up with some of the miniatures I have been painting recently.
This time, it's the first figures from a force of Romano-Britsh I'm painting for Dux Britanniarum. I ordered these figures, and a full force of Saxons, from Splintered Light some time ago, along with a set each of shield transfers from Little Big Men. I decided to pull them off the shelf and get to work painting them while I was waiting for the Crusaders I ordered to arrive.
For the most part I'm happy with the figures, and I think they look good when painted, but the spears aren't very nice. The giant fat spearheads and the teeny, tiny shafts, which I predict won't survive long, take away somewhat from the overall effect.
2 units of regulars. |
2 units of regulars. |
Elites. |
Elites. |
Nicely done with great shield artwork. i have to agree about the spears - the heads are too big.